A mothers jobs is one if not the most important in the world.
My mom and I are completely different. I want to travel the world and she doesn't want to drive to the city, I love Anthropologie style and she wants black, white and mirrors everywhere!
There have been many times in my life I criticized her for not seeing things the way I have. I am tough on her, I think sometimes we are the toughest on the ones we know will love us the most no matter what. I wish I have always shown her the love I feel for her on the inside but I haven't. When I moved to NYC I called my mom to chat with her and I would think about how much I loved her everyday. Its easy to take something for granted until its not around. I always knew she had a huge heart but didn't realize how huge till the past couple of years. I know we have friends of the family that consider her their mom more then their own. Most of you know the story of
Krista, a family friend she gave her heart too and basically had it broken. She has had a tough year, but always stays positive. A role model for all.
As for Krista, I feel sad for her because she is missing her first mothers day. I still have hope in my heart she can turn her life around for her adorable little boy.
So for those of us who need a holiday to makes us really appreciate all our mothers have done for us, make good use of it!
Happy Mothers day!